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K-6 Classroom Special Events - Toy Building Adventures

Preview: "Pushes & Pulls" On-Demand Video Lesson 


Students build a fascinating tumbling toy while exploring the concepts of Pushes, Pulls, Strong vs. Gentle Forces, Direction, Patterns and the importance of Experimenting!  


Grades:                    K-2 

Length:                     60-90 minutes

Group Size:            15-150 students

Students Need:    “Pushes and Pulls” Toymaker Kits, crayons, markers


More Info:   Your primary students will experience a fun-filled, hands-on toy-building adventure that directly supports and extends national science standards around the topic of Pushes and Pulls.


Professional toy inventor and nationally recognized educator Rick “Mister Toymaker” Hartman provides the  instruction with a Video-Guided lesson teeming with scientific surprises, entertaining demonstrations and informative content.


Your students will use simple materials like pegboard, ice cream spoons and tongue depressors to build two fascinating toys that demonstrate important concepts studied in classrooms. Topics like:  pushes and pulls, gravity, strength of force, patterns, motion, experiment, speed, direction, and slope


Perfect for curriculum enhancement, "In-School Field Trips," and other special occasions, the "Pushes and Pulls" workshop promises to be a "Best Day Ever" for students, teachers, and parent volunteers alike!

Pushes & Pulls On-Demand Workshop (K-2)

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 6 reviews
  • More Classes. More Savings:

    Number of Students Price Per Student
    15-29 $20
    30-49 $19
    50-74 $18
    75-99 $17
    100+ $16

    *Minimum order:  15


    Save an additional $2 per student when you recruit volunteers to sort bulk supplies into kits ahead of time.  A great way to involve parent and/or community members in your special event!   Enter discount code SELFPACK at Checkout.



Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
5.0 | 6 reviews
6 reviews

  • Amanda GrattonAug 10
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Kindergarten Teacher

    The students are still talking about the fun they had and parents reached out and shared how much they liked the toys as well.

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  • Jason Friesen, 2nd Grade TeacherMar 01
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    captivate the students with scientific vocabulary!

    You captivate the students with scientific vocabulary, fun hands-on toying, and your friendly humorous presence.

    Was this helpful?

  • Angela Wulbert, 2nd Grade TeacherFeb 05, 2022
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Everyone was set up for success!

    The kids were so engaged and absolutely loved every minute of it. Everyone was set up for success.

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  • Anne Boyer, 2nd grade teacherJan 13, 2021
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    One of the main highlights of the year in my classroom!

    His demeanor was quiet and calm and he had the children on the edge of their seats for an hour and a half. His presentation was one of the main highlights of the year in my classroom!

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  • Hilary Marshall, 1st grade TeacherJan 02, 2021
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    I loved how much information and history you incorporated!

    The workshop was INCREDIBLE! We absolutely loved it. The students were completely engaged, the tasks were designed at a perfect level for them and I loved how much information and history you incorporated. We are definitely planning to do this again next year! It is already on our must-do list!

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As Low as $14 per Student!

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